| | | | | | | | Agenda For:
2:00 PM October 10, 2016 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Jim Gray | Tony Ortiz | Robert F. Stuart | Buddy Dyer | Patty Sheehan | Regina I. Hill | Samuel B. Ings |
| Welcome! We are very glad you have joined us for today's Council meeting. If you wish to speak to the City Council, please fill out an Appearance Request form. On the back of the form is important information about the different times for public comments. The form is found in the City Clerk's Office, or just outside Council Chambers, or at the dais in Chambers. Please give your completed form to the City Clerk. When you are recognized to speak, state your name and address and speak directly into the microphone. The Council is pleased to hear relevant comments; however a 5 minute limit is set by the City Code. Large groups are asked to name a spokesperson. Please note that no ringing electronic devices are allowed in Council Chambers. Thank you for participating in your City government and making Orlando truly "The City Beautiful." |
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| | | | | | | | (4) | Determination of Quorum | | | |
| | | | | | | | (5) | Consideration of Minutes | | | |
| | | | | | | | | Awards/Presentations/Recognitions | | | |
| | | | | | | | MAYOR'S UPDATE
Consent Agenda ( the following items A-J will be acted upon by the City Council through a single vote. An item will be considered separately only upon request of a Council member and a confirming majority vote of the City Council.) | | | |
| | | | | | | | (B) | Business and Financial Services | | | |
| | | | | | | | | (1) | Accepting | Meeting Minutes and Approving the Actions of the Southeast Town Design Review Committee (SETDRC) - September 8 2016 | 1 | | | | | (2) | Approving | Petition for Voluntary Annexation: 1880 Oglesby Avenue (ANX2016-00010) | 3 | | | | | (3) | Approving | City of Orlando/Metroplan Orlando Funding Agreement for FY 2016-2017 | ALL | | | | | (4) | Approving | Arrow Sky Media Qualified Target Industry Tax Refund Resolution | 4 | | | | | (5) | Approving | 2016-2017 Events Funding Agreement Between the City of Orlando and Lake Nona Institute, Inc. | 1 | | | | | (6) | Approving | LYNX Annual Service Funding Agreement for FY 2016-2017 | ALL | | | | | (7) | Approving | 2016-2017 Central Florida Sports Commission, Inc. Funding Agreement | ALL | | | | | (8) | Approving | 2016-2017 National Center for Simulation Funding Agreement | ALL | | | | | (9) | Approving | 2016-2017 Funding Agreement with the University of Central Florida Research Foundation, Inc. for the benefit of the National Entrepreneur Center | ALL | | | | | (10) | Approving | 2016-2017 Funding Agreement between the City of Orlando and the Foundation for Building Community | ALL | | | | | (11) | Approving | 2016-2017 Black Business Investment Fund of Central Florida Funding Agreement | ALL | | | | | (12) | Approving | 2016-2017 UCF Business Incubation Program Funding Agreement | ALL | | | | | (13) | Approving | 2016-2017 Hispanic Business Initiative Fund of Florida, Inc. Funding Agreement | ALL | | | | | (14) | Approving | 2016-2017 Funding Agreement between the City of Orlando, The Downtown Development Board, the Tangerine Sports Association, Inc. and the Florida Citrus Sports Events, Inc. | ALL | | | | | (15) | Approving | Small Business Facade Program Agreement between Foodie Catering, Inc. and the City of Orlando - 213 Clear Lake Way | 5 | | | | | (16) | Approving | Renewal of Orlando Main Street District Agreements for FY 2016/2017 and Addition of The Milk District | ALL | | | | | (17) | Approving | Business Assistance Program Agreement between Alwa Investment Group, LLC d/b/a Gaviota Seafood & Fine Peruvian Cuisine and the City of Orlando - 100 South Eola Drive | 4 | | | | | (18) | Approving | Employment Contract Maria Garcia Accounting Specialist II Orlando Stops Red Light Camera Safety Program | ALL | | | |
| | | | | | | | (D) | Families, Parks and Recreation | | | |
| | | | | | | | | (1) | Approving | Permits: SPEC0225708, “Creative City Project”, Orange Av. bet. Washington St. & Jackson St., Sat. 10/15/16; SPEC7241386, “Third Thursday Gallery Hop/Dia de los Muertos”, Pine St. bet. Court Av. & Orange Av. Thur., 10/20/16; SPEC4125988, “Pink Bash”, Seneff Arts Plaza, Fri. 10/21/16; SPEC9795281, “Miles for Melanoma”, Blue Jacket Park, Sat. 10/22/16; SPEC4589420, “Central Florida Veg Fest”, Orlando Festival Park, Sat. 10/22/16; SPEC7347394, “Diwali Mela”, Lake Eola Park, Sat. 10/22/16; SPEC9769153, “College Park Jazzfest”, Edgewater Dr. bet. Clayton St. & Smith St., Sat. 10/22/16; SPEC9854779, “Run Nona 10K/5K”, Lake Nona Town Center, Sat. 10/22/16; SPEC4615631, “Scooters 4 Hooters/Ellen’s Walk with the Angels”, Seneff Arts Plaza, Sat. 10/22/16; SPEC8747063, “TPD 4th Annual Halloween Party”, Washington St. bet. Hill Av. & Hyer Av., Sat. 10/29/16; SPEC6634749, “5th Annual Ruck Sack March”, Medical City Dr. at Laureate Blvd., Sat. 10/29/16; SPEC3828327, “Halloween Street Party 2016”, Church St. between 30 blk. W. Church and 55 W. Church, Sat. 10/29/16; SPEC2138488, “Panua 5K”, Harbor Park, Sat. 10/29/16; SPEC8471734, “Creepy Crawl 5K”, Harbor Park, Sun. 10/30/16 | ALL | | | | | (2) | Approving | The Subgrant Application and award of the Highway Safety Funds from the FY 2017 Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) specifically for DUI Enforcement operations. | ALL | | | |
| | | | | | | | | Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) | | | |
| | | | | | | | | Neighborhood Improvement District - Board of Directors | | | |
| | | | | | | | | Hearings/Emergency Ordinances | | | |
| | | | | | | | | Hearings/Ordinances/1st Read | | | |
| | | | | | | | | Hearings/Ordinances/2nd Read | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| NOTICE With respect to items for acceptance or information, City Council action is neither required nor necessary, and City Council approval (or disapproval) is not to be implied. |
| APPEALS Any person who desires to appeal any decision at this meeting will need a record of the proceedings and, for this purpose, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made which includes testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is based. |
AMERICAN WITH DISABILITIES ACT | The City of Orlando is committed to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Reasonable accommodations, including equal access to communications, will be provided upon request. Requests for reasonable accommodations, with regard to equal access to communications, should be directed to the City of Orlando ADA coordinator at 407.246.2057. |
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