Items Types:
For Meeting of:
June 5, 2017
District: ALL From:
Contract ID: Document Number:
Exhibits: Yes On File (City Clerk) : Yes Draft Only: No
Grant Received by City?: No

Specific Items Approved by the Greater Orlando Aviation Authority (GOAA) at its May 17, 2017 Meeting


Per the attached memo, GOAA has requested that City Council concur in the approval of the following items approved by GOAA at its May 17, 2017 meeting:

Item CA-B Recommendation to Dispose of Surplus Property

Item CA-H non-budgeted expenditure and use of Capital Expenditure Funds in the amount of $1,629,025 for Project BP-00469, Loop Road Resurfacing and Related Work, at the Orlando International Airport (OIA)

Item CA-I non-budgeted expenditure and use of Capital Expenditure Funds in the amount of $30,828 for Project V-00834, North Cell Lot Vending Enclosure (Design/Build), at OIA

Item CA-J non-budgeted expenditure and use of Capital Expenditure Funds in the amount of $5,178,660 for Project for Budget Reallocation of the North Program for Airside 4 and Ticket Lobby at OIA

Item CA-M Land Lease in excess of 10 years with AFCO GSE MCO, LLC for Development, Maintenance and Operation of a Ground Service Equipment Maintenance Facility and Related Funding for Common Use Infrastructure Improvements

Fiscal & Efficiency Data: Not applicable

Recommended Action:
Concurrence in the approval of the above GOAA items per the attached memo, and authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute any documents related thereto.

Agenda Item attachment(s) on file in the City Clerks Office.

Note: All agenda items must be in the City Clerk's office by Noon Friday, six(6) business days prior to the regular Monday City Council meeting.

Approved By:

Department Date and Time
Budget Outside Routing Approval 5/24/2017 4:28 PM
City Clerk 5/24/2017 4:32 PM

Name: Description: Type:
Memo_Items_5.17.17_GOAA_Meeting.pdf Memo & Minutes_5.17.17 GOAA Mtg Backup Material

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