The Historic Preservation Board directed Historic Preservation Staff to research the eligibility of historic landmark status of the Municipal Auditorium/Bob Carr Theatre. Staff presented these findings at the August 3, 2016 Historic Preservation Board regular meeting with a recommendation of Approval of Orlando Historic Landmark status. Staff found that the property is significant for the history, culture, and association with significant people and events in Orlando's past. Staff found that the building meets the criteria A and B in Section 65.720. The HPB voted unanimously to approve the Orlando Landmark status.
At its regular meeting of October 18, 2016, the City of Orlando Municipal Planning Board (MPB) held a public hearing to designate the Property as an Orlando Historic Landmark, and after a review of the documented evidence and upon consideration of the criteria provided by Section 65.720, Orlando City Code, the MPB recommended by unanimous voice vote that the Orlando City Council designate the property as an Orlando Historic Landmark. |