This Land Development Code amendment creates a Creative Village Development Review Committee (CVDRC) in order to expedite discretionary permits within the area of the Creative Village Planned Development. Similar to processes in place for the Southeast Orlando Sector Plan and Baldwin Park, the Creative Village is a unique asset of Downtown Orlando that has detailed regulations from previous approvals that will guide its development. As such, an expedited process is warranted that will ensure the timely completion of the entitlement process to match needed construction, financing and infrastructure schedules.
This code amendment was recommended for approval by the Municipal Planning Board at its October 2016 meeting; the minutes of which were subsequently accepted by the City Council on November 14, 2016. The first reading of this item was approved at the January 23, 2017 City Council meeting. A provision was added to the final draft after the first reading to reflect a request that the planning official preside over the Committee's meetings. |