On March 28, 2011, City Council approved the award of the subject contract to The Showcase of Citrus, Inc., for hauling, land application or reuse of wastewater residuals from Conserv II Water Reclamation Facility. On February 29, 2016, City Council approved an amendment to extend the contract through December 31, 2016 to allow for new Schwing BioSet equipment and new requirements for hauling of wastewater residuals.
Wastewater Division is requesting approval to extend the subject contract with The Showcase of Citrus, Inc., from January 1, 2017 through September 30, 2017. Installation and start-up of the new equipment is now anticipated in July 2017. The Showcase of Citrus, Inc., has agreed to extend the contract at the existing rates and charges. The estimated expenditure for the extension is $165,000.00.
There was no M/WBE participation for this contract.