Items Types:
For Meeting of:
November 14, 2016
District: ALL From:
Contract ID: Document Number:
Exhibits: Yes On File (City Clerk) : Yes Draft Only: No
Grant Received by City?: No

SPEC2356297, “Riding Big Car Show”, 4400 W. Colonial Dr., Sun. 11/20/16; SPEC0521298, “Covenant House Candlelight Vigil”, Lake Eola Park, Mon. 11/21/16; SPEC9169013, “Pre-Thanksgiving Street Party”, 33 W. Church to 41 W. Church St., Wed. 11/23/16; SPEC7060108, “Seniors First Turkey Trot”, Robinson St. at Eola Dr. and surrounding area, Thur. 11/24/16; SPEC3823668, “What’s Up Downtown for the Holidays”, Lake Eola Park, Thur. 12/1/16; SPEC9819870, “Holiday on the Drive”, Edgewater Dr. bet. Smith St. & Clayton St., Thur. 12/1/16; SPEC4486808, “Holiday Lights Orlando Presents “The Gift”, Lake Eola Park, Fri. 12/2/16; SPEC1831149, “The Orlando Renaissance Festival”, Bill Frederick Park at Turkey Lake, Fri-Sun., 12/2-12/4/16; SPEC5797434, “OUC Orlando Half-Marathon & 5K”, Lake Eola Park and surrounding area, Sat. 12/3/16; SPEC2351888, “Tough Biker”, 3201 E. Colonial Dr., Sun. 12/4/16; SPEC9325021, “Reggae Soca Fitness Fest”, Harbor Park, Sun. 12/4/16; SPEC9077471, “Ciclovia”, Robinson St. bet. Rosalind Av. & Summerlin Av., Sun. 12/4/16; SPEC3324201, “Festival Navidad Boricua”, Orlando Festival Park, Sun. 12/4/16


SPEC2356297, “Riding Big Car Show”, 4400 W. Colonial Dr., Sun.  11/20/16. Alcohol served and food trucks.  Amplified sound on stage bet.  12:00pm & 8:30pm.

SPEC0521298, “Covenant House Candlelight Vigil”, Lake Eola Park, Mon. 11/21/16. Food trucks. Amplified sound on stage bet. 5:00pm & 7:30pm.

SPEC9169013, “Pre-Thanksgiving Street Party”, 33 W. Church to 41 W. Church St., Wed. 11/23/16. Alcohol served. Amplified sound on stage bet. 7:00pm & 2:00am. Street closure:  33 W. Church St. to Garland Av.

SPEC7060108, “Seniors First Turkey Trot”, Robinson St. at Eola Dr. and surrounding area, Thur. 11/24/16. Amplified sound bet. 7:00am & 9:30am. Street closure:  Robinson St. bet. Rosalind Av. & Summerlin Av., Eola Dr. bet. Washington St. & Robinson St.

SPEC3823668, “What’s Up Downtown for the Holidays”, Lake Eola Park, Thur. 12/1/16. Amplified sound on stage bet. 11:45 am & 1:15pm.

SPEC9819870, “Holiday on the Drive”, Edgewater Dr. bet. Smith St. & Clayton St., Thur. 12/1/16. Amplified sound bet. 5:00pm & 9:00pm. Street closure bet. Smith St. & Clayton St.

SPEC4486808, “Holiday Lights Orlando Presents “The Gift”, Lake Eola Park, Fri. 12/2/16. Food trucks. Amplified sound on stage bet. 4:00pm & 10:00pm.

SPEC1831149, “The Orlando Renaissance Festival”, Bill Frederick Park at Turkey Lake, Fri-Sun., 12/2-12/4/16.  Food trucks. Amplified sound on stage bet.  10:00am & 6:00pm.

SPEC5797434, “OUC Orlando Half-Marathon&5K”, Lake Eola Park and surrounding area, Sat. 12/3/16. Alcohol served.  Amplified sound bet. 7:00am & 11:30am. Street closure: Robinson St. bet. Rosalind Av. & Summerlin Av., Eola Dr. (SB) bet. Washington St. & Robinson St.

SPEC2351888, “Tough Biker”, 3201 E. Colonial Dr., Sun. 12/4/16. OPD to hold traffic along the route as necessary.

SPEC9325021, “Reggae Soca Fitness Fest”, Harbor Park, Sun. 12/4/16. Amplified sound bet. 3:00pm & 6:00pm.

SPEC9077471, “Ciclovia”, Robinson St.  bet. Rosalind Av. & Summerlin Av., Sun. 12/4/16. Alcohol served. Food trucks. Amplified sound on stage bet. 10:00am & 5:00pm. Street closure:  Robinson St.  bet. Rosalind Av. & Summerlin Av.

SPEC3324201, “Festival Navidad Boricua”, Orlando Festival Park, Sun. 12/4/16. Alcohol served. Amplified sound on stage bet. 11:00am & 7:30pm.

Fiscal & Efficiency Data: No fiscal impact.

Recommended Action:

Agenda Item attachment(s) on file in the City Clerks Office.

Note: All agenda items must be in the City Clerk's office by Noon Friday, six(6) business days prior to the regular Monday City Council meeting.

Contact: Sharon Grimes
Approved By:

Department Date and Time
Budget Outside Routing Approval 11/2/2016 4:18 PM
City Clerk 11/2/2016 4:22 PM

Name: Description: Type:
DOC110116-11012016142422.pdf Riding Big Car Show Backup Material
DOC110116-11012016142428.pdf Covenant House Candlelight Vigil Backup Material
DOC110116-11012016142442.pdf Pre-Thanksgiving Halloween Party Backup Material
DOC110116-11012016142451.pdf Seniors First Turkey Trot Backup Material
DOC110116-11012016142536.pdf Whats Up Downtown for the Holidays Backup Material
DOC110116-11012016142546.pdf Holiday on the Drive Backup Material
DOC110116-11012016142553.pdf Holiday Lights Presents "The Gift" Backup Material
DOC110216-11022016121255.pdf The Orlando Renaissance Festival Backup Material
DOC110216-11022016121310.pdf OUC Half Marathon Backup Material
DOC110216-11022016121324.pdf Toughbiker Backup Material
DOC110216-11022016121335.pdf Reggae Soca Fitness Fest & 5K Backup Material
DOC110216-11022016121349.pdf Ciclovia Backup Material
DOC110216-11022016121402.pdf Festival Navidad Boricua Backup Material

"Enhance the quality of life in the City by delivering public services in a knowledgeable, responsive and financially responsible manner."