Items Types:
Ordinances/1st Read
For Meeting of:
November 14, 2016
District: 4 From:
Contract ID: Document Number:
Exhibits: Yes On File (City Clerk) : Yes Draft Only: No
Grant Received by City?: No

Ordinance No. 2016-90 approving regional public facility digital sign for Boone High School (LDC2016-00418) (Economic Development)


Orange County Public Schools (OCPS) has requested to replace an existing manual reader board sign with a digital Regional Public Landmark Sign (one double-sided sign) at Boone High School (1000 E. Kaley St.).

The City Council previously approved the replacement of manual reader board signs with digital signs for Dr. Phillips, Edgewater and Lake Nona High Schools. The digital signs were approved utilizing Land Development Code (LDC) Section 64.320, Regional Public Facility Identification Signage, in that OCPS high schools serve large areas within the greater metropolitan area. These signs are approved by ordinance for regional public landmarks/facilities as identified by City Council, and may include both on-site and off-site roadway/directional signage. The Section also provides that the ordinance approving signage for regional public landmarks shall include a determination by the Planning Official that: (1) the facility is a regional public landmark; (2) such signage fosters the public health, safety, and welfare by promoting safe and efficient public access to the regional public facility; and (3) such signage shall not have a negative impact on surrounding land uses.

Operational Conditions - In reviewing signs for conformance with the Regional Public Facility sign regulations, the Planning Official considers the extent to which the proposed signs conform to city-wide sign regulations. To ensure that proposed digital public facility identification signs are generally consistent with City-wide sign regulations and do not have a negative impact on surrounding residential land uses, nine (9) operational conditions are proposed to restrict the messages displayed on the proposed Boone High School facility identification sign, as follows:

1. Sign copy shall change no more than 6 times per hour (10 minute delays).

2. The sign shall only display black letters on white background during daylight hours.

3. The sign shall only display white letters on black background during post-dusk hours.

4. The sign shall not display moving, rotating, or pulsating images.

5. The sign shall not display graphic images except for the OCPS or school logo.

6. The sign shall only operate from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.

7. The sign shall automatically adapt its brightness level to ambient light levels during the day and night.

 8. The "School Name" and address portions will remain statically displayed (non-digital).

 9. The sign message may only identify or advertise uses, events, and activities located or conducted on each individual school site.

Subject to the nine (9) operational conditions presented above, the Planning Official has determined (via Planning Official Determination LDC2016-00418) (Exhibit A) that:

1.     Boone High School is a regional public landmark. Based on its size, function, location and unique features, Boone High School clearly serves residents of multiple neighborhoods within the City of Orlando and Orange County.

2.     The proposed digital identification signage will foster the public health, safety, and welfare by promoting safe and efficient public access to Boone High School facilities. Events at area high schools can attract innumerous attendees year-round. The proposed signage will improve safety and efficiency by identifying the name of the facility and daily or weekly events at the public high school.

 3.   The proposed digital identification signage is not expected to have a negative impact on surrounding land uses. Boone High School abuts residential uses on the west, north and east and low intensity office and commercial uses further to the south and east. The proposed digital sign is expected to improve traffic flow and reduce confusion by more clearly identifying the property for first time visitors and by providing public notice of current or upcoming events at the high school. The proposed operational restrictions will help preserve the existing character of the area around the high school, while accommodating the needs of facilities that host multiple events throughout the week, month and year at the high school.

 4.   The proposed digital high school identification sign is eligible for designation as a regional public facility identification sign, as provided in LDC Section 64.320. The same type sign may not be allowed on private schools, churches or other such institutions unless said location and sign meets the criteria of LDC Section 64.270, Regional Public Landmark Signs.

 5.   The proposed sign shall conform to the nine (9) operational conditions described in the determination (Exhibit A) and to the type, size, location, materials and other details provided by OCPS (Exhibit B).

Fiscal & Efficiency Data: N/A

Recommended Action:

Approve the attached Ordinance No. 2016-90 on first reading and request that the Mayor and City Clerk present the draft ordinance for second reading and public hearing at the next regular City Council meeting.

Agenda Item attachment(s) on file in the City Clerks Office.

Note: All agenda items must be in the City Clerk's office by Noon Friday, six(6) business days prior to the regular Monday City Council meeting.

Contact: Jim Burnett, Planner III, 407-246-3609
Approved By:

Department Date and Time
Budget Outside Routing Approval 11/2/2016 4:07 PM
City Clerk 11/2/2016 4:13 PM

Name: Description: Type:
Boone_HS_Reg_Pub_Fac_Sign_Ord_2016-90.docx Ordinance No. 2016-90 Ordinance
exhibit_A_(Determination_LDC2016-00418).pdf Exhibit A (Determination LDC2016-00418) Exhibit
exhibit_B_(ocps_materials_for_new_sign).pdf Exhibit B (OCPS materials) Exhibit

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