Case No.
2259 S. Semoran Blvd. (±0.84 acres) (east side of S. Semoran Blvd., between Curry Ford Rd. and E. Grant St.)
A. Variance to allow an expanded restaurant building 22.5 ft. from the front lot line, where the maximum setback cannot exceed 15 ft. in the Semoran Special Plan Overlay; and
B. Variance to waive the minimum required 7.5 ft. landscape buffer for an existing parking section/row along the north lot line.
6318 Rockaway St. (±0.19 acres) (north of Lyons St., east of S. Oxalis Ave., south of Rockaway St.)
Variance of 6 ft. to allow a shed to be constructed 1.5 ft. from the west side property line, where 7.5 ft. is required in the R-1A/AN zoning district.
1031 Edgewater Dr. (±0.52 acres) (east side of Edgewater Dr., south of Lakeview St., north of Lake Adair Blvd.)
A. Variance to allow an accessory structure to be located in front of the principal structure; and
B. Design Variance to allow the garage to be in front of the principal structure.
3012 Chelsea St. (±0.19 acres) (south of Chelsea St., north of Plaza Terrace Dr., east of Chelsea Pl., and west of Cardinal Rd.)
A. Variance of 10.5 ft. to allow the required parking space to encroach into the front yard setback, where the required parking space is required to be behind said setback; and
B. Variance of 1.4 ft. to allow a reduced side yard setback of 6.1 ft., where 7.5 ft. is required in the R-1A zoning district.
1914 E. Robinson St. (±0.19 acres) (south side of E. Robinson St., between Rosearden Dr. and N. Hampton Ave.)
A. Design Variance to allow a post and panel sign in the Traditional City Overlay, and
B. Variance of 4 sq. ft. to allow an 8 sq. ft. post and panel sign, where said sign is limited to 4 sq. ft. in the O-1/T/AN zoning district.
1407 Pinecrest Pl. (±0.07 acres) (north side of Pinecrest Pl., east of Shine Ave., west of LaSalle Ave.)
A. Variance of 1.5 ft. to allow a shed to encroach into the side yard setback, where 6 ft. is required;
C. Variance to allow a trellis to be set on the western property line with a 0 ft. setback; and
D. Variance to allow a trellis to be set on the eastern property line with a 0 ft. setback.
1406 Park Lake St. (±0.07 acres) (south side of Park Lake St., east of Shine Ave., west of LaSalle Ave.)
A. Variance of 1.5 ft. to allow a shed to encroach into the side yard setback, where 6 ft. is required.
44 S. Graham Ave. (±0.08 acres) (north of E. Pine St., south of E. Central Blvd., west of S. Graham Ave. and east of S. Bumby Ave.)
A. Variance to allow for an accessory structure in front of the principal façade; and
B. Variance of 10 ft. to allow a 5 ft. street-side yard setback, where 15 ft. is the minimum required.
613 W. Central Blvd. (±0.37 acres) (north side of W. Central Blvd., east of N. Parramore Ave., west of N. Terry Ave.)
Variance to permit the sale of alcoholic beverages for on-site consumption within 500 ft. of a church.