This grant will provide funds to support a DUI Enforcement Team. The objective of this team is to safely remove suspected DUI offenders from the City's roadways by mobile, high visibility, traffic enforcement tactics. The grant is in the amount of $100,000.00. This grant will be used for overtime personnel expenses for DUI Enforcement activities such as saturation patrols, checkpoints and other traditional actions to focus on DUI enforcement within the City of Orlando.
The Florida Department of Transportation Safety Office (FDOT) administers funding for various grant programs that address traffic safety priority areas. It has been determined that certain highway safety program areas have proven to be more effective than others in reducing traffic crashes, injuries and fatalities. These programs, designated as National Priority Program Areas are: Impaired Driving, Police Traffic Services, Speed Control, Roadway Safety, Occupant Protection/Child Passenger Safety, Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety, Motorcycle Safety, Traffic Records and Community Traffic Safety. |