The "Starwood" property is comprised of approximately 2,559 acres of land generally located at the southeastern corner of the intersection of the Beachline Expressway and the Central Florida Greeneway. The property was annexed into the City of Orlando by ordinance #2016-26, adopted on March 14 of this year. Also adopted on March 14, 2016, was ordinance #2016-1, amending the city's Growth Management Plan to assign Future Land Use Map ("FLUM") designations to the property. The property's FLUM designations allow a mixed-use development including single and multifamily residential uses, office and commercial uses, and parks and public school uses.
The attached Starwood Development Agreement (the "agreement") is being proposed in accordance with the Florida Local Government Development Agreement Act (ss. 163.3220-163.3243, Florida Statutes) and requires two advertised public hearings. The agreement provides for:
1. Land use, zoning, and other development standards for the property; and
2. The dedication of land to the city for parks; and
3. The provision of public utility services; and
4. The funding, design, and construction of a regional road network through the property, including the extension of Dowden Road from Storey Park to the International Corporate Park. |