Items Types:
For Meeting of:
October 10, 2016
District: ALL From:
Contract ID: Document Number:
Exhibits: Yes On File (City Clerk) : Yes Draft Only: No
Grant Received by City?: No

Permits: SPEC0225708, “Creative City Project”, Orange Av. bet. Washington St. & Jackson St., Sat. 10/15/16; SPEC7241386, “Third Thursday Gallery Hop/Dia de los Muertos”, Pine St. bet. Court Av. & Orange Av. Thur., 10/20/16; SPEC4125988, “Pink Bash”, Seneff Arts Plaza, Fri. 10/21/16; SPEC9795281, “Miles for Melanoma”, Blue Jacket Park, Sat. 10/22/16; SPEC4589420, “Central Florida Veg Fest”, Orlando Festival Park, Sat. 10/22/16; SPEC7347394, “Diwali Mela”, Lake Eola Park, Sat. 10/22/16; SPEC9769153, “College Park Jazzfest”, Edgewater Dr. bet. Clayton St. & Smith St., Sat. 10/22/16; SPEC9854779, “Run Nona 10K/5K”, Lake Nona Town Center, Sat. 10/22/16; SPEC4615631, “Scooters 4 Hooters/Ellen’s Walk with the Angels”, Seneff Arts Plaza, Sat. 10/22/16; SPEC8747063, “TPD 4th Annual Halloween Party”, Washington St. bet. Hill Av. & Hyer Av., Sat. 10/29/16; SPEC6634749, “5th Annual Ruck Sack March”, Medical City Dr. at Laureate Blvd., Sat. 10/29/16; SPEC3828327, “Halloween Street Party 2016”, Church St. between 30 blk. W. Church and 55 W. Church, Sat. 10/29/16; SPEC2138488, “Panua 5K”, Harbor Park, Sat. 10/29/16; SPEC8471734, “Creepy Crawl 5K”, Harbor Park, Sun. 10/30/16


SPEC0225708, “Creative City Project”, Orange Av. bet. Washington St. & Jackson St., Sat. 10/15/16. Alcohol served. Amplified sound on stage bet. 5:00pm & 11:00pm. Street Closures:  Orange Av. bet. Washington St. & Jackson St. (emergency lane to remain open), Church St. bet Garland Av. and S. Court Av., Pine St. bet. Court Av. & Orange Av.

SPEC7241386, “Third Thursday Gallery Hop/Dia de los Muertos”, Pine St. bet. Court Av. & Orange Av. Thur., 10/20/16. Food trucks. Amplified sound on stage bet. 6:00pm & 11:00pm. Street closure: Pine St. bet. Court Av. & Orange Av.

SPEC4125988, “Pink Bash”, Seneff Arts Plaza, Fri. 10/21/16. Alcohol served, amplified sound on stage bet. 5:00 pm & 9:00pm.

SPEC9795281, “Miles for Melanoma”, Blue Jacket Park, Sat. 10/22/16. Amplified sound bet. 7:30am & 9:30am.

SPEC4589420, “Central Florida Veg Fest”, Orlando Festival Park, Sat. 10/22/16. Food trucks. Amplified sound on stage bet. 10:00am & 6:00pm.

SPEC7347394, “Diwali Mela”, Lake Eola Park, Sat. 10/22/16.  Amplified sound on stage bet. 4:00pm & 10:00pm.

SPEC9769153, “College Park Jazzfest”, Edgewater Dr. bet. Clayton St. & Smith St., Sat. 10/22/16. Alcohol served. Amplified sound on stage bet. 5:00pm & 12:00am. Street closure: Edgewater Dr. bet. Clayton St. & Smith St.

SPEC9854779, “Run Nona 10K/5K”, Lake Nona Town Center, Sat. 10/22/16. Alcohol served, food trucks. Amplified sound on stage bet. 3:30pm & 6:45pm. Street closures: Tavistock Lakes Blvd. at Lake Nona Blvd. (partial), Lake Nona Blvd. (SB lane) at Lake Nona Town Center. OPD to hold traffic along the route as necessary.

SPEC4615631, “Scooters 4 Hooters/Ellen’s Walk with the Angels”, Seneff Arts Plaza, Sat. 10/22/16. Alcohol served, food trucks. Amplified sound on stage bet.  10:00am & 4:00pm. OPD to hold traffic along the route as necessary.

SPEC8747063, “TPD 4th Annual Halloween Party”, Washington St. bet. Hill Av. & Hyer Av., Sat. 10/29/16. Alcohol served, food trucks. Amplified sound on stage bet. 8:00pm & 2:00am. Street closure: Washington St. bet. Hyer Av. & Hill Av.

SPEC6634749, “5th Annual Ruck Sack March”, Medical City Dr. at Laureate Blvd., Sat. 10/29/16. Food trucks, amplified sound bet. 7:00am & 12:00pm. Street closure: Medical City Dr. bet. Sanger Rd. to Laureate Blvd., Laureate Blvd. bet. Humboldt Dr. to the dead end.

SPEC3828327, “Halloween Street Party 2016”, Church St. between 30 blk. W. Church and 55 W. Church, Sat. 10/29/16. Alcohol served. Amplified sound on stage bet. 8:00pm & 2:00am. Street closure:  Church St. bet. Garland Av. and Orange Av.

SPEC2138488, “Panua 5K”, Harbor Park, Sat. 10/29/16. Amplified sound bet. 8:30am & 11:00am. Street closure: New Broad St. bet. Chatfield  Pl. & Welham St., Chatfield Pl. bet. New Broad St. & Lakemont Av., Lakemont Av. bet. Chatfield Pl. & Jake St.

SPEC8471734, “Creepy Crawl 5K”, Harbor Park, Sun. 10/30/16. Amplified sound bet. 7:00am & 10:30am.


Fiscal & Efficiency Data: No fiscal impact.

Recommended Action:

Agenda Item attachment(s) on file in the City Clerks Office.

Note: All agenda items must be in the City Clerk's office by Noon Friday, six(6) business days prior to the regular Monday City Council meeting.

Contact: Sharon Grimes
Approved By:

Department Date and Time
Budget Outside Routing Approval 9/28/2016 2:15 PM
City Clerk 9/28/2016 2:20 PM

Name: Description: Type:
DOC092116-09212016103936.pdf Creative City Project Backup Material
DOC092116-09212016104006.pdf Third Thursday Gallery Hop/Dia de los Muertos Backup Material
DOC092116-09212016104028.pdf Pink Bash Backup Material
DOC092116-09212016104046.pdf Miles for Melanoma Backup Material
DOC092116-09212016104105.pdf Central Florida Veg Fest Backup Material
DOC092116-09212016104125.pdf Diwali Mela Backup Material
DOC092116-09212016104144.pdf College Park Jazzfest Backup Material
DOC092116-09212016104203.pdf Run Nona 10K/5K Backup Material
DOC092116-09212016104237.pdf Scooters 4 Hooters/Ellen’s Walk with the Angels Backup Material
DOC092116-09212016104313.pdf TPD 4th Annual Halloween Party Backup Material
DOC092116-09212016104331.pdf 5th Annual Ruck Sack March Backup Material
DOC092116-09212016104356.pdf Halloween Street Party 2016 Backup Material
DOC092116-09212016104418.pdf Panua 5K Backup Material
DOC092116-09212016104437.pdf Creepy Crawl 5K Backup Material

"Enhance the quality of life in the City by delivering public services in a knowledgeable, responsive and financially responsible manner."