Items Types:
Business and Financial Services
For Meeting of:
September 15, 2016
District: ALL From:
Contract ID: Document Number:
Exhibits: Yes On File (City Clerk) : Yes Draft Only: No
Grant Received by City?: No

Advisory Committee Ranking and Authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to Execute Contracts for Debris Management and Removal Services, RFP16-0175.


A Request for Proposal (RFP) was issued on July 11, 2016 to select a qualified firm to provide RFP16-0175 Debris Management and Removal Services. Four (4) responsive proposals were received and reviewed by an Advisory Committee comprised of the following individuals:


Mike Carroll, SW Division Manager, Public Works-Solid Waste (Chairperson)
Jesus Roman, Accountant III, Business & Financial Services
Jonathan Ford, Fleet Superintendent, BFS-Fleet & Facilities
Frank Nunez, Lieutenant, Police Department
Howard Elkin, Asst. Division Manager, Public Works - Streets

Based on the information presented in the proposals and the evaluation criteria set forth in the RFP, the firms were ranked by the Advisory Committee in the following order:






AshBritt, Inc.

Deerfield Beach, FL


Crowdergulf Joint Venture, Inc.

Theodore, AL


DRC Emergency Service, LLC

Galveston, TX


Phillips and Jordan, Incorporated

Knoxville, TN

 *Tie Ranking

The initial contract term is approximately three (3) years with an option to renew for two (2) additional twelve (12) months terms.  The estimated annual expenditure is $3,000,000.00.

The City of Orlando anticipates receiving FEMA reimbursements when this contract is utilized which requires adhering to Federal 2 CFR 200.321.  Contractor must take all necessary affirmative steps to assure that minority businesses, women business enterprises, and labor surplus area firms are used when possible.  Each respondent presented a plan.

Fiscal & Efficiency Data:

Recommended Action:

Approval of the ranking established by the Advisory Committee and approval and authorization for the Chief Procurement Officer to negotiate and execute contracts and subsequent renewals as follows:  AshBritt, Inc. (Primary) and Secondary Contractors: Crowdergulf Joint Venture, Inc., DRC Emergency Service, LLC, Phillips and Jordan, Incorporated. The final negotiated contracts will be subject to review and approval by the City Attorney’s Office.

Agenda Item attachment(s) on file in the City Clerks Office.

Note: All agenda items must be in the City Clerk's office by Noon Friday, six(6) business days prior to the regular Monday City Council meeting.

Contact: David Billingsley
Approved By:

Department Date and Time
Budget Outside Routing Approval 9/7/2016 3:10 PM
City Clerk 9/7/2016 3:17 PM

Name: Description: Type:
FIS_RFP16-0175_Debris_Management.docx FIS RFP16-0175 Fiscal Impact Statement
1st_Committee_Meeting_approved___signed_Complete_Package.pdf 1st Committee Meeting RFP14-0175 Backup Material
2nd_Advisory_Meeting_Minutes__RFP16-0175.pdf 2nd Committee Meeting RFP16-0175 Backup Material
3rd_Committee_Meeting.pdf 3rd Committee Meeting RFP16-0175 Backup Material

"Enhance the quality of life in the City by delivering public services in a knowledgeable, responsive and financially responsible manner."