The following sealed bids were received in response to the subject solicitation:
Jordan Brothers Construction, LLC, Orlando, FL
Pospiech Contracting Inc., Inverness, FL
Gibbs & Register, Inc., Winter Garden FL
The improvements under this project consist of complete reconstruction from right-of-way to right-of-way. Work along Sligh Boulevard includes a single travel lane in each direction along with a bus rapid transit (BRT) center lane. In selected areas parallel parking stalls will be constructed. Additional sidewalk will be added to be continuous throughout the project limits. Columbia Street improvements includes: Reconstruction from Division Avenue to Kuhl Avenue. Milling and resurfacing will continue from Kuhl Ave. to Orange Ave. The water main and sewer is also being replaced or improved within the project limits. Lighting and Landscaping for the entire corridor is also included to match the aesthetics of Orlando Health campus.
The Procurement and Contracts Division and Public Works Department have evaluated these bids and recommend award to Jordan Brothers Construction LLC for the Sligh Boulevard and Columbia Street Improvement project.
The City of Orlando is receiving U.S. Department of Transportation funding from the Florida Department of Transportation (“Department”) for this Project. Pursuant to the funding requirements of the Department’s grant, disadvantaged business enterprise (“DBE”) utilization shall be in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. The Department has established a DBE program in accordance with such federal laws and regulations. The City shall participate in the Department’s DBE race neutral program for this solicitation. |
Recommended Action:
Authorize the Chief Procurement Officer to execute a contract with Jordan Brothers Construction LLC, as indicated above in the amount of $6,776,290.86, subject to review and approval by the City Attorney’s Office. |