Items Types:
Business and Financial Services
For Meeting of:
June 20, 2016
District: ALL From:
Contract ID: Document Number:
Exhibits: Yes On File (City Clerk) : Yes Draft Only: No
Grant Received by City?: No

Amendment to Contract with Owens, Renz & Lee Company, Inc. for Orlando Venues Janitorial Services, RFP10-0262


On July 26, 2010, City Council approved the subject contract with Owens, Renz & Lee Company, Inc. to provide janitorial services for Orlando Venues.  The current contract expires on  June 30, 2016.  


Orlando Venues is requesting approval to extend the subject contract with 

Owens, Renz & Lee Company, Inc. for two (2) months with an option to extend for three (3) additional one month periods. The extension is requested to allow sufficient time to complete the RFP Advisory Committee process, award a new contract and allow for a smooth transition to the new contract. Owens, Renz & Lee Company, Inc. has agreed to extend the contract at the existing rates and charges. The estimated monthly expenditure is $175,000.00. 
Owens, Renz & Lee Company, Inc. agrees to continue to meet the M/WBE goals during the contract extension period.  

Fiscal & Efficiency Data:

Recommended Action:
Authorize the Chief Procurement Officer to execute an amendment to extend the contract with Owens, Renz & Lee Company, Inc., as indicated above, subject to review and approval by the City Attorney's Office.

Agenda Item attachment(s) on file in the City Clerks Office.

Note: All agenda items must be in the City Clerk's office by Noon Friday, six(6) business days prior to the regular Monday City Council meeting.

Contact: David Billingsley
Approved By:

Department Date and Time
Budget Outside Routing Approval 6/1/2016 4:15 PM
City Clerk 6/1/2016 4:19 PM

Name: Description: Type:
FIS_Revised_Owns.docx FIS Revised Backup Material
Memo_Extension_Dept_Revised_Owens.pdf Memo Extension Dept Revised Backup Material
Owens_Extension_Letter_Revised_(1).pdf Owens Extension Letter Revised Backup Material

"Enhance the quality of life in the City by delivering public services in a knowledgeable, responsive and financially responsible manner."