On June 15, 2016 the Greater Orlando Aviation Authority (GOAA) is scheduled to adopt a Resolution Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of Priority Subordinated Airport Facilities Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2016 (AMT) to, among other things, (A) refinance certain draws on lines of credit previously used to refund GOAA's Airport Facilities Secondary Subordinated Revenue Bonds, Series 1997, and pay certain swap termination payments related to such bonds, (B) make a deposit to the pooled reserve account of the Priority Subordinated Reserve Fund, and (C) finance certain costs of issuance with respect thereto. The sale of the bonds will be awarded on a negotiated basis. The GOAA Resolution also approves the form of and authorizes the execution and delivery of a First Supplemental Subordinated Indenture of Trust, Bond Purchase Agreement, Preliminary Official Statement, Continuing Disclosure Agreement, and Amended and Restated Master Subordinated Indenture of Trust.
The City Resolution approves the GOAA Resolution, and the documents attached thereto, including, but not limited to, the Master Subordinated Indenture and First Supplemental Indenture, and authorizes the issuance of the Series 2016 Subordinated Bonds. |