The Mills Fifty Mainstreet Co., "Mills/Fifty", is a non-profit corporation that has been established as part of a City wide program with the goal of helping to develop a stronger and more vibrant neighborhood commercial district in the Mills Avenue-State Road 50 area. To help accomplish this goal, Mills/Fifty has proposed a project to install artwork on designated storm drains. The attached Agreement provides that the City must approve the artwork installed on each storm drain and also delineates the procedure for artwork installation in order to ensure the safety of the artist and the functioning of the stormdrain. Mills/Fifty also agrees to indemnify and insure the City against any liability that may arise from installation of art on the storm drains. |
Fiscal & Efficiency Data:
Recommended Action:
Approval of the Agreement in substantially the form attached and authorization for the Mayor or Mayor Pro Tem to execute same, subject to review and approval by the City Attorney's Office. |
Agenda Item attachment(s) on file in the City Clerks Office.
All agenda items must
be in the City Clerk's office by Noon Friday, six(6) business days prior to the
regular Monday City Council meeting.
Roy K. Payne, Esquire, Pauline Eaton
Approved By:
Date and Time
Budget Outside Routing Approval |
5/11/2016 3:32 PM |
City Clerk |
5/12/2016 7:03 AM |