Items Types:
Business and Financial Services
For Meeting of:
June 20, 2016
District: 6 From:
Contract ID: Document Number:
Exhibits: Yes On File (City Clerk) : Yes Draft Only: No
Grant Received by City?: Yes

Award of Contract to Wharton-Smith, Inc, for Lift Station No. 5 Replacement, IFB16-0031


The following sealed bids were received in response to the subject solicitation:




Wharton-Smith, Inc., Sanford, FL


Petticoat-Schmitt, Civil Contractors, Inc., Jacksonville, FL


Prime Construction Group, Inc., Orlando, FL


TLC Diversified, Inc., Palmetto, FL


RTD Construction, Inc., Zephyrhills, FL


The project will consist of, but not be limited to, site work, structures, piping, yard work, erosion/sediment control, equipment, electrical and instrumentation work to construct the new proposed replacement for existing Lift Station No. 5.

The Procurement and Contracts Division and Public Works Department have evaluated these bids and recommend award to Wharton-Smith for the Lift Station No. 5 replacement project.

This Project is being funded in part with funds from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) State Revolving Fund Program. As such, the FDEP Disadvantaged Business Enterprise program applies. The program goal is 5% MBE and 5% WBE participation.


Fiscal & Efficiency Data:

Recommended Action:

Authorize the Chief Procurement Officer to execute a contract with Wharton-Smith, Inc.,in the amount of $6,985.917.00, subject to review and approval by the City Attorney’s Office.

Agenda Item attachment(s) on file in the City Clerks Office.

Note: All agenda items must be in the City Clerk's office by Noon Friday, six(6) business days prior to the regular Monday City Council meeting.

Contact: David Billingsley
Approved By:

Department Date and Time
Budget Outside Routing Approval 3/16/2016 4:49 PM
City Clerk 3/17/2016 7:45 AM

Name: Description: Type:
F_I_S_for_Wharton-Smith_Lift_Station_No._5__CC_3.28.2016.docx FIS IFB16-0031 Backup Material
Purchasing_Award_Memo_3-2016-Signed.pdf Bid Evaluation Memo Backup Material
IFB16-0031_LS_No._5_Bid-Tabulation.pdf Bid Tab Backup Material

"Enhance the quality of life in the City by delivering public services in a knowledgeable, responsive and financially responsible manner."