Items Types:
For Meeting of:
June 15, 2015
District: ALL From:
Contract ID: Document Number:
Exhibits: Yes On File (City Clerk) : Yes Draft Only: No
Grant Received by City?: No

Permits: SPEC8797274, "Friday Night on Church St.", Church St. bet. Orange & Garland, Friday's, 6/19/15 thru 12/25/15; SPEC4049154, "C.A.H.M. Festival", Lake Eola Park, Sat., 6/20/15; SPEC6920416, "Father & Son Prayer March", Hughey/South/Orange/Washington, Sat., 6/20/15; SPEC1512730, "Thursday Night's on Church St.", Church St. bet. Orange & Garland, Thursday's, 6/25/15 thru 12/24/15; SPEC3480423, "Orlando Farmers Market", Lake Eola Park, Sunday's, 7/1/15 thru 12/27/15; SPEC0525680, "Wall St. Block Parties & Events", Wall St. Plaza, various dates bet. 7/1/15 & 1/1/16; SPEC4837110, "Baldwin Park Independence Day Bash", New Broad St., Fri., 7/3/15; SPEC2328985, "American Family Expo", Grand Ave. Park, Sat., 7/11/15; SPEC0171963, "Church St. Block Parties", Church St. bet. Garland & RR Tracks, various dates bet. 7/11/15 & 12/31/15; SPEC3541970, "Pine St. Block Party", Pine bet. Orange & Court, Sun., 7/26/15.


SPEC8797274, "Friday Night on Church St.", Church St. bet. Orange & Garland, Friday's, 6/19/15 thru 12/25/15. Alcohol served. Road closure: Church St. bet. Orange & Garland. Amplified sound on stage bet. 3 pm & 8 pm.

SPEC4049154, "C.A.H.M. Festival", Lake Eola Park, Sat., 6/20/15. Alcohol served. Road closure: one lane of Rosalind bet. Washington & Robinson. Amplified sound bet. 12 pm & 9 pm.

SPEC6920416, "Father & Son Prayer March", Hughey/South/Orange/Washington, Sat., 6/20/15.  OPD to hold traffic along the route as necessary. Amplified sound bet. 9 am & 10:30 am.

SPEC1512730, "Thursday Night's on Church St.", Church St. bet. Orange & Garland, Thursday's, 6/25/15 thru 12/24/15.  Road closure: Church St. bet. Orange & Garland.

SPEC3480423, "Orlando Farmers Market", Lake Eola Park, Sunday's, 7/1/15 thru 12/27/15. Alcohol served. Amplified sound bet. 7 am & 10 pm.

SPEC0525680, "Wall St. Block Parties & Events", Wall St. Plaza, various dates bet. 7/1/15 & 1/1/16. Alcohol served. Road closure: Wall St. bet. Orange & Court, Court Ave. Bet. Central & Washington. Amplified sound on stage bet. 5 pm & 2 AM.

SPEC4837110, "Baldwin Park Independence Day Bash", New Broad St., Fri., 7/3/15. Alcohol served. Road closure: New Broad St. bet. Welham & Prospect. Fireworks. Food Trucks. Amplified sound on stage bet.  5:30 pm & 9:30 pm.

SPEC2328985, "American Family Expo", Grand Ave. Park, Sat., 7/11/15. Food Trucks. Amplified sound on stage bet. 10 am & 5 pm.

SPEC0171963, "Church St. Block Parties", Church St. bet. Garland & RR Tracks, various dates bet. 7/11/15 & 12/31/15. Alcohol served. Road closure: Church St. bet. Garland & RR Tracks. Amplified sound on stage bet. 3:30 pm & 2 am.

SPEC3541970, "Pine St. Block Party", Pine bet. Orange & Court, Sun., 7/26/15. Alcohol served. Road closure: Pine St. bet. Orange & Court Ave. Amplified sound bet. 12 pm. & 11:30 pm.

Fiscal & Efficiency Data: No Fiscal Impact

Recommended Action:

Agenda Item attachment(s) on file in the City Clerks Office.

Note: All agenda items must be in the City Clerk's office by Noon Friday, six(6) business days prior to the regular Monday City Council meeting.

Contact: Sharon Grimes
Approved By:

Department Date and Time
Budget Outside Routing Approval 6/3/2015 4:39 PM
City Clerk 6/4/2015 8:35 AM

Name: Description: Type:
SPEC8797274_Friday_Night_on_Church_St.0001.pdf Friday Night on Church St. Backup Material
SPEC4049154_CAHM_Festival0001.pdf C.A.H.M. Festival Backup Material
SPEC6920416_Father___Son_Prayer_March0001.pdf Father & Son Prayer March Backup Material
SPEC1512730_Thursday_Night_s_on_Church_St.0001.pdf Thursday Night's on Church St. Backup Material
SPEC3480423_Orlando_Farmer_s_Market0001.pdf Orlando Farmer's Market Backup Material
SPEC0525680_Wall_St._Block_Parties___Events0001.pdf Wall St. Block Parties & Events Backup Material
SPEC4837110_BP_Independence_Day_Bash0001.pdf BP Independence Day Bash Backup Material
SPEC23289850001.pdf American Family Expo Backup Material
SPEC0171963_Church_St._Block_Parties0001.pdf Church St. Block Parties Backup Material
SPEC3541970_Pine_St._Block_Party0001.pdf Pine St. Block Party Backup Material

"Enhance the quality of life in the City by delivering public services in a knowledgeable, responsive and financially responsible manner."