The attached ordinance includes the Summer cycle of GMP amendments for the 2015 calendar year. A summary of the proposed amendments is attached.
GMP2015-00004, Parramore Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan GMP Policies – Add new Future Land Use Subarea Objective 6.B.2 and Policy S.6.14 to incorporate the Parramore Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan into the City’s Growth Management Plan.
GMP2015-00005, Future Land Use Figure 1 – Residential Densities - Amend Future Land Use Element Figure LU-1 to revise the residential categories to reflect exceptions to minimum and maximum densities already allowed by the zoning code in the R-2A, R-3A and R-2B zoning districts.
GMP2015-00007, Conservation Element Policy 1.4.1 - Amend Conservation Element Policy 1.4.1 to clarify the regulatory review process of environmentally sensitive properties, including protected wetlands, with certain restrictions or hazards, which are undergoing development or mitigation. |