The City of Orlando received the FY 2014 High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas (HIDTA) grant in the amount of $99,524.00. Modification #1 to the FY 2014 HIDTA Program grant increased the initial award by $9,948.00 for a total award of $109,472.00. Modification #2 reduced the grant in the amount of $1,974.00 for a total award of $107,497.72.
Modification #3 is an additional decrease in the final grant amount by $1,209.38. The final award amount is $106,288.24. The remaining funds ($1,209.38) are reprogrammed back to HIDTA. |
Fiscal & Efficiency Data:
Recommended Action:
Approval by City Council for execution by the Mayor of the FY 2014 High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas (HIDTA) Program Grant, Modification #3, subject to review by the City Attorney's Office and the Grant Development Supervisor. |
Agenda Item attachment(s) on file in the City Clerks Office.
All agenda items must
be in the City Clerk's office by Noon Friday, six(6) business days prior to the
regular Monday City Council meeting.
Natasha Williams, Lilian Draisin, Angela Knowles, Annette Rodriguez
Approved By:
Date and Time
Budget Outside Routing Approval |
6/3/2015 9:31 PM |
Budget Outside Routing Approval |
6/3/2015 9:31 PM |
Grants |
6/4/2015 10:50 AM |
City Clerk |
6/4/2015 12:14 PM |