The subject property is located at 1314 Eastin Avenue, Orlando, Florida 32804, and is developed with an approximate 2,200 (gross) square-foot residential structure. Mr. Daniel Martin, the Applicant for a Zoning Variance (hereinafter “Applicant”), proposed an expansion to the residential structure on the property which necessitated the request for two zoning variances: (A) a variance of 8 feet to allow a 17 foot front yard setback, where 25 feet is the minimum required, and (B) a variance of 1 foot to allow an inline addition at a 5 foot side yard setback where 6 feet is the minimum required. City Planning Staff reviewed the application and recommended denial of Variance A and approval of Variance B, as documented in their Staff Report to the Board of Zoning Adjustment (VAR2014-00091), attached hereto as Exhibit A.
The City’s BZA took this matter under consideration at the September 23, 2014 BZA meeting, and, upon hearing presentations from both City Staff and the Applicant, voted to approve both variances. Mr. Dean Grandin, Jr., Planning Official (“Petitioner”) timely filed an appeal (“Petition”) with the City’s Hearing Administrator with respect to Variance A. Since City Staff recommended approval of Variance B, Petitioner did not contest approval of that variance.
Since this action was commenced, the parties and their representatives and advisors have met and discussed the proposed Variance A on numerous occasions in an effort to accommodate each other's concerns and settle their dispute amicably. This Stipulated Land Development Order is the result of the good-faith efforts by each party to compromise, and an amicable resolution of the matter has been reached. |