The attached ordinance amends the future land use designation from Urban Activity Center to Public Recreational Institutional on 5.82 acres of property located north of W. Church St., east of Glenn Ln., south of W. Central Blvd and west of S. Terry Ave.
The Municipal Planning Board recommended approval of the GMP amendment to amend 5.82 acres from Urban Activity Center to Public Recreational Institutional future land use designation (GMP2014-00036) on December 16, 2014. There is an associated Planned Development (ZON2014-00028) for 10.5 acres as well as an abandonment (ABN2014-00003) for portions of Parramore Ave. and Pine St. rights of-way (ROW) that were approved at the December 16, 2014 Municipal Planning Board meeting.
The adoption for this ordinance is scheduled for February 9, 2015. The PD zoning ordinance will be included as a separate item on the same City Council Agenda. |