The Parramore Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan was developed as part of a US HUD Sustainable Communities Regional Planning Grant. The East Central Florida Regional Planning Council (ECFRPC), on behalf of twenty-six (26) partners that comprise the East Central Florida Sustainable Communities Consortium, was awarded $2.4 million from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to plan for sustainable, transit-oriented development around SunRail station locations. The majority of the grant funds were passed directly to local governments with special emphasis on promoting sustainable and inclusive growth, particularly in minority and/or low-income neighborhoods adjacent to several of the SunRail stations. The overall process has been branded “Enhance Central Florida”. All of the various grant-related projects, including the Parramore Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan, can be found on the overall project website:
The Parramore Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan (the Plan) focuses on creating a healthy, sustainable and vibrant community that prepares for the future while preserving, enhancing, and celebrating the culture and heritage of Parramore. Through numerous community forums and extensive public engagement, the following Ten Healthy Community Design Principles were established and endorsed:
1. Drive Economic Development by Creating a Unique Identity
2. Improve Access to Job Opportunities
3. Promote Social & Environmental Justice
4. Increase Housing Opportunities
5. Make Education the Cornerstone of Revitalization
6. Empower Champions for a Healthy Community
7. Promote Access to Healthy Food
8. Invest in People, not Cars
9. Maximize the Opportunity for All Residents to get Physical Activity
10. Encourage Mixed Use Development
The Plan contains the community’s vision for their neighborhoods based on the above-mentioned Healthy Community Design principles, and provides strategies along with short, mid– and long–term action items for improving economic and job growth, community health, transportation options, housing, education and infill development. These strategies and action items are described in full detail in the Executive Summary and Action Plan (please see attached Plan).
It is anticipated that full implementation of the Plan will necessitate amendments to the City’s Growth Management Plan (GMP) and may potentially require amendments to the Land Development Code. The GMP amendments will be prepared by City Planning staff to be reviewed by the Municipal Planning Board (MPB) and City Council in the near future—scheduled for the summer 2015 round of amendments. The recommendations contained in the Plan will also be considered in the preparation of, and incorporated where appropriate in, the Project DTO CRA Redevelopment Plan.
On December 16, 2014, the MPB accepted the Plan and found that it conforms with the spirit and intent of the City’s adopted GMP.
The Parramore Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan, including Appendices, is available on the project website: |