Staff is requesting approval to initiate Growth Management Plan (GMP) amendments for the 2015 Summer Cycle of amendments. Once initiated, the City Planning Division will prepare staff reports and schedule each case for review by the Municipal Planning Board. The amendments will then be scheduled for consideration by City Council at a public hearing (first reading of the ordinance) in June 2015, with adoption (second reading) of the amendments in August or September of 2015.
The following City-initiated Growth Management Plan (GMP) amendments are proposed:
Future Land Use Element
1. Add new Future Land Use Subarea Objective 6.B.2 and Policy S.6.14 to address the Parramore Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan.
2. Amend Future Land Use Element Figure LU-1 to revise the residential categories to reflect exceptions to minimum and maximum densities already allowed by the zoning code in the R-2A, R-3A and R-2B zoning districts.
Conservation Element
1. Amend Conservation Element Objective 1.4 and associated policies to defer wetland management requirements to the Water Management Districts, Army Corps of Engineers, or other state and federal agencies if a protected wetland is part of a brownfield, formerly used defense site, or other previous development activity that may require disturbing or removing wetlands to clean up other environmental hazards. |