The attached ordinance will re-assign zoning of PD/T/AR/AN (Planned Development, Traditional City Overlay, Bradshaw Terrace Appearance Review, Aircraft Noise Overlay) to a 0.54-acre property at the southwest corner of E. Gore St. and Delaney Ave., across from the Beardall Senior Center and Coith Park. The applicant is Ray Stangle II, Osceola Engineering, Inc., representing the owner, Dr. Michael Akpeke.
The subject property was previously zoned PD/T/AR/AN in 2009, with a proposed development plan of four (4) 2-story general office buildings (totaling 9,346 sq. ft.) to replace the two (2) existing single-story office buildings. Permits were never secured under the 2009 development program and the PD expired on October 19, 2014.
The new PD proposes a single 2-story 8,384 sq. ft. medical/general office building facing E. Gore St., with parking to the rear accessed from a driveway on Delaney Ave. Via the new PD, the applicant proposes a decreased front building setback, from 25 ft. to 15.2 ft., and a decreased west side building setback, from 10 ft. to 5.5 ft. Exfiltration in the parking area necessitates location of interior parking lot landscaping to the edges of the property. Proposed building architecture and design is consistent with institutional, resi-dential and office uses in the area, as required by the Bradshaw Terrace Appearance Review guideline and Traditional City overlay criteria. A large oak tree that towers over much of the site is being protected but a false monkey puzzle tree will be removed and mitigated with additional landscaping and trees elsewhere on the site at time of Permitting.
The Municipal Planning Board recommended approval of the new PD on October 21, 2014, and the City Council approved the MPB minutes on November 17, 2014. The City Council approved the ordinance on first reading on Monday, January 12, 2015. |