The attached ordinance amends the future land use designation for property generally located north and west of Cady Way Trail, south of Beach Boulevard and east of Baldwin Cove Way. This site is recently vacated right-of-way and has no specific address. The site's annexation ordinance (2014-25) as adopted on July 28, 2014. The +/-0.0995 acre property will be incorporated into the 42 single family dwelling unit Baldwin Cove (PD) Planned Development.
The Municipal Planning Board (MPB) recommended approval of the GMP amendment to assign the future land use designation of Residential Low Intensity (GMP2014-00031). The first reading for the GMP amendment ordinance was approved on December 15, 2014. |
Fiscal & Efficiency Data:
Recommended Action:
Adopt the attached ordinance number 2014-69 and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk or Mayor Pro Tempore and City Clerk to execute on behalf of the City upon final review and approval by the City Attorney. |
Agenda Item attachment(s) on file in the City Clerks Office.
All agenda items must
be in the City Clerk's office by Noon Friday, six(6) business days prior to the
regular Monday City Council meeting.
Mary-Stewart Droege (mary-stewart.droege@cityoforlando.net) and 407-246-3276
Approved By:
Date and Time
Budget Outside Routing Approval |
1/2/2015 4:57 PM |
City Clerk |
1/5/2015 12:33 PM |