Items Types:
Ordinances/1st Read
For Meeting of:
June 20, 2016
District: 4 From:
Contract ID: Document Number:
Exhibits: Yes On File (City Clerk) : Yes Draft Only: No
Grant Received by City?: No

Ordinance No. 2016-6 Amending the Planned Development Zoning District Regulations for Approximately 5.9 Acres of Land generally located north of E. Gore St., East of Kuhl Ave., South of S. Lucerne Cir., and West of S. Orange Ave.; Providing an Amended Legal Description, Development Plan, and Special Land Development Regulations of the Planned Development District (Economic Development)


Orlando Health (owner), through Crescent Lucerne Venture (applicant), requests approval of a Planned Development Amendment for +/- 5.9-acres at the northwest corner of Orange Ave. and Gore St.

Specifically, the applicant requests to amend the existing Lucerne Hospital PD (aka Columbia Park Medical Center PD) for a redevelopment of the site with a two-phase, multi-building mixed-use project. Originally as presented to the Municipal Planning Board in Nov. 2015, the development program consisted of a 24,000 sq. ft. grocery store, 3,500 sq. ft. light retail, 3,500 sq. ft. restaurant, two five-story residential buildings (up to 390 total units) and two parking garages.

Subsequently, the applicant proposed minor modifications to the development program, which were reviewed administratively through a Planning Official’s Determination (LDC2016-00086) issued on May 24, 2016. This letter determined the proposed changes (below) constitute a minor deviation from the November plan.

  • Eliminate the freestanding parking garage formerly on Parcel 2 and incorporate this parking instead into a new 7.5 level integrated parking structure on Parcel 1 providing a total of 654 garage spaces, plus 10 on-street parking spaces at the Promenade for a total of 664 parking spaces [an increase of 23 spaces from the previously approved 642 spaces]. Additionally, there are to be 20 on-street spaces in various locations around the subject property; however, those spaces do not count towards the project's required parking.

  • Reconfigure Parcel 2 from a six story multifamily building and freestanding parking garage to a four story multifamily building with a larger footprint and no freestanding parking garage.

  • Re-configured multifamily and retail locations on Parcel 1.

  • Allow a south bound vehicle egress from the parking garage onto S. Orange Ave. modifying Transportation Engineering condition #5 in the MPB Staff Report.

  • The amended development program for the Crescent Lucerne PD based on the determination submittal documents is:

    • 376 Multi-Family Residential Units [ +3 units from the 2015 MPB approval]

    • 24,000 s.f. Grocery Store

    • 3,500 s.f. Restaurant

    • 3,500 s.f. Light Retail

    • 665 Parking Spaces (655 garage + 10 Promenade) [ +23 spaces from 2015 approval]

As stated in the PD ordinance, Phase 2 of Crescent Lucerne will require review through a Planned Development amendment.

This project received final approval from the ARB on May 11, 2016.

Fiscal & Efficiency Data: N/A

Recommended Action:
Approve the attached ordinance number 2016-6 on first reading and request that the Mayor and City Clerk present the draft ordinance for second reading and public hearing at the next regular City Council meeting.

Agenda Item attachment(s) on file in the City Clerks Office.

Note: All agenda items must be in the City Clerk's office by Noon Friday, six(6) business days prior to the regular Monday City Council meeting.

Contact: Karl Wielecki. 407.246.2726
Approved By:

Department Date and Time
Budget Outside Routing Approval 6/2/2016 9:10 AM
City Clerk 6/2/2016 9:18 AM

Name: Description: Type:
Crescent_Lucerne_PD_Ordinance_ZON2015-00041_May_2016_FINAL.pdf Ordinance No. 2016-6 Crescent Lucerne PD Backup Material
Exhibits_A_and_B.pdf Exhibits A and B Backup Material
Exhibit_C_-_Development_Plan.pdf Exhibit C - Development Plan Backup Material
Exhibit_D_-_elevations.pdf Exhibit D- elevations Backup Material
Exhibit_E_-_Renderings.pdf Exhibit E - renderings Backup Material

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