The Streets and Stormwater Department is requesting approval to utilize Orange County Contract #Y14-1070 with Hubbard Construction Company for the furnishing of asphalt products needed to support the hot-in-place process for various street paving projects. The time period for this contract will be from the date of award through November 1, 2017. Hubbard Construction Company has an office located in Orlando. Utilization of this contract will provide continuous asphalt products for the onsite asphalt recycling process used to rehabilitate the surface layer of an existing asphalt roadway and to install a layer of new asphalt material to the rehabilitated surface.
The actual amount of expenditures will vary and will be based upon the quantities ordered for the agreed upon prices, with an estimated annual expenditure of $750,000.00.
There are no City Certified M/WBE firms registered as providers for furnishing asphalt products. |