The Orlando Police Department and Technology Management Division are requesting to continue software subscription services with New World Systems (NWS) for Computer Aided Dispatch and Records Management System, and to upgrade the Records Management System to the latest release that conforms to the City’s current standards.
The upgrade to NWS Aegis MSP Law Enforcement Solution (LERMS) from NWS Aegis AS/400 LERMS supports the City's direction of vendor created and supported applications instead of custom in-house built applications that are resource intensive. Given the legal mandates to maintain records that will be accessible in the future, the need for mobility and the availability of decision making tools, it is imperative that the City move to a robust technology that will continue to advance and improve.
The contract term is five (5) years. The estimated expenditure is $694,000 for the one time upgrade and $2,645,000.00 for five (5) years of software, maintenance and technical support.
No City Certified M/WBE suppliers are registered for this commodity. |