Outdoor Loudspeaker Permits requesting extension of hours:
#OLP2834291, "Dalton Wedding Reception", 1127 Overlook Drive, Sat., 10/4/14, 7:00 pm until 11:00 pm.
18A Permits:
#SPEC7403240, "Independence Music Festival", Concord bet. Garland & Orange, Sat., 8/23/14. Alcohol served. Road closure: Concord bet. Garland & Orange. Amplified sound on stage bet. 12:00 pm & 12:00 am. Food trucks.
#SPEC9328110, "Quack Attack on Poverty 5K", Harbor Park, Sat., 9/13/14. OPD to hold traffic along route as necessary. Amplified sound bet. 6:30 am & 9:30 am.
#SPEC5594362, "Maker Faire Orlando", Loch Haven Park, Sat., & Sun., 9/13/14 & 9/14/14. Drones taking photographs.
#SPEC7946233, "Partnerships in Action", Lake Eola Park, Sun., 9/28/14. Amplified sound at Amphitheater bet. 9:00 am & 6:00 pm.
#SPEC3445306, "Schumann's Jager Haus Oktoberfest, Church bet. Orange & Suntrust Garage, Sat., 9/27/14. Alcohol served. Road closure: Church St. bet. Orange & Suntrust garage. Amplified sound on stage bet. 11:00 am & 10:00 pm.
#SPEC1524054, "Saddle Tailgate", Washington bet. Orange & Jefferson Garage, Sat., 9/13/14. Alcohol served. Road closure: Washington bet. Orange & Jefferson garage. Amplified sound bet. 12:00 pm & 8:00 pm. |