The Streets and Stormwater Division, Fleet Management Division and Procurement and Contracts Division are requesting a lease-purchase of one (1) Aquatech B-10 Vacuum Truck utilizing pricing under Florida Sheriffs Association Contract #13-11-0904 through Pat’s Pump and Blower, Orlando, FL.
The current City owned equipment is approximately four years old and at the end of their useful lives. They are continually down for repair, have proven to not be suited for the demanding work of long distances and hours, and are expensive to maintain. Downtime has resulted in lost productivity, increased debris and trash on paved surfaces and more nutrients entering lakes.
A maintenance agreement (N14-0366-4) will be negotiated separately through Pat’s Pump & Blower to cover the entire lease period. The equipment performance, durability and maintenance will continually be evaluated so that at the end of the lease term, a decision can be made on the best type of equipment to be utilized in the future.
The lease(s) will be for three years and will result in ownership by the end of the three years. The total estimated expenditure for the lease-purchase is $350,345.10.
No City Certified M/WBE suppliers are registered for this commodity. |
Recommended Action:
Approve the negotiation of Lease-Purchase Agreement with Leasing 2, Inc., and authorize execution of the attached Resolution and all necessary documentation by the Chief Procurement Officer and City Clerk, subject to review and approval of the City Attorney’s Office. |