Pursuant to GOAA's Charter and the attached memorandum dated July 1, 2014 to the Mayor and City Commissioners, GOAA has requested that City Council concur in GOAA's approval of the following consent agenda items from its May 21, 2014 and June 18, 2014 meetings (draft minutes attached):
May 21, 2014 GOAA Meeting Consent Agenda Items:
Item G - find the property listed in the attached memorandum no longer necessary, useful, or profitable in the operation of the Airport System; request City council concurrence of this finding; authorize staff to dispose of the property in accordance with GOAA Policies & Procedures.
Item I - accept the recommendation of the Construction Committee to approve change order 434-03 to the construciton contract with Middlesex Corporation for BP No. 434 in the credit amount of $435.34, with funding from Operations and Maintenance Funds, Capital Expenditure Funds, and Line of Credit to be reimbursed by Passenger Facility Charges and FAA and FDOT Grants to the extent eligible; request City Council and FAA concurrence; authorize a GOAA officer or Executive Director to execute change order following satisfactory review by legal counsel.
Item P - approve Second Amendment to Purchase and Sale Agreement with OOCEA for the right-of-way for relocation of the Mainline Toll Plaza at SR 528: request City Council concurrence; authorize a GOAA officer or the Executive Director to execute all necessary documents related to the transaction, following satisfactory review by legal counsel.
June 18, 2014 GOAA Meeting Consent Agenda Items:
Item H - find the property listed in the attached memorandum no longer necessary, useful, or profitable in the operation of the Airport System; request City council concurrence of this finding; authorize staff to dispose of the property in accordance with GOAA Policies & Procedures.
Item L - approve the use of $650,000 form Discretionary Funds to be reimbursed by available fiscal year 2014 Operating and Maintenance Funds to the extent eligible for completion of customer service improvements and training to include baggage claim area monitor display system; development of designated business traveler and family seating areas; reconfiguring the GOAA website; development of parking garage welcome areas; training for employees airport-wide and request City Council concurrence of this non-budgeted expenditure.
Fiscal & Efficiency Data:
Recommended Action:
Concur in the approval of GOAA Consent Agenda Items G, I, and P from the May 21, 2014 GOAA Meeting, and
Concur in the approval of GOAA Consent Agenda Items H and L from the June 18, 2014 GOAA Meeting. |
Agenda Item attachment(s) on file in the City Clerks Office.
All agenda items must
be in the City Clerk's office by Noon Friday, six(6) business days prior to the
regular Monday City Council meeting.
Wesley Powell
Approved By:
Date and Time
Budget Outside Routing Approval |
7/3/2014 9:49 AM |
City Clerk |
7/3/2014 9:56 AM |