The attached ordinance will rezone the subject 3.0-acre property from AC-1 (Community Activity Center) to PD (Planned Development) to convert a former fitness center into an ±81,112 sq. ft. 2 & 3 story 65-lane indoor shooting range with ancillary retail sales, classrooms, snack bar/lounge and museum. The property is located on the east side of S. Kirkman Rd., between Conroy Rd. and the Florida Turnpike. The applicant is Kevin Mineer, Genesis Group, for Shooter’s World, Inc. The property owner is MDR Health Club LP.
The applicant is also seeking a concurrent Small-Scale GMP Future Land Use Map Amendment (see GMP2014--00008) to change the future land use designation on the property from Community Activity Center to Industrial. Uses would be specifically limited to the ones noted above. The PD is also specifically required to waive the 500 ft. distance separation between indoor shooting ranges and nearest residential zoning district. There is a multifamily residential zoning district and development ±225 ft. to the southwest across a portion of S. Kirkman Rd. and the Florida Turnpike.
At the April 15, 2014 Municipal Planning Board, two (2) persons spoke, one concerned about noise pollution from the proposed use and another opposed to the proposed use in the neighborhood. It was noted by staff that indoor gun ranges are heavily soundproofed and that any potential noise pollution would be addressed during the site plan review and permitting processes. The board unanimously recommended approval of the PD, per the conditions in the staff report, and the City Council approved those MPB minutes on May 12, 2014. The City Council previously approved Ordinance No. 2014-24 on first reading on June 23, 2014. |