Items Types:
Orlando Venues
For Meeting of:
March 31, 2014
District: ALL From:
Contract ID: Document Number:
Exhibits: Yes On File (City Clerk) : Yes Draft Only: No
Grant Received by City?: No

FSU Funding Agreement for SSTRIDE Program


Numerous studies and reports, as A Report by the Joint Economic Committee Chairman’s Staff Senator Bob Casey, Chairman, 2012, show American students test scores in STEM subject matter lag behind their counterparts around the globe. For students who are members of vulnerable populations, as inner city residents and homeless, for example, the gap is markedly wider.

This agreement provides funding to FSU to provide the SSTRIDE Program at Jones High and Memorial Middle Schools. The program's curriculum is calculated to improve students' competencies in the STEM areas. The program has a twenty year track record of success as evidenced by the hundreds of students who go on to enroll in four colleges and universities after completing SSTRIDE.

This agreement provides $135,000 over two years to FSU for the program, which will be made in two payments: the first year's payment will be for Sixty Five Thousand Dollars and the second year's payment will be for $70,000.00. Additionally, FSU representatives are committed to obtaining alternate funding beyond 2016, when funding by the City has been completed. The FSU Funding Agreement for the SSTRIDE program, Exhibits and the Fiscal impact Statement are attached.

Fiscal & Efficiency Data:

Recommended Action:

Agenda Item attachment(s) on file in the City Clerks Office.

Note: All agenda items must be in the City Clerk's office by Noon Friday, six(6) business days prior to the regular Monday City Council meeting.

Contact: Janeiro R. Coulter
Approved By:

Department Date and Time
Budget Outside Routing Approval 3/26/2014 12:28 PM
City Clerk 3/26/2014 12:28 PM

Name: Description: Type:
FSU_Program_Exhibit_C.pdf FSU Program Exhibit C Backup Material
Venues-FSU_Funding_Fiscal_Impact_Statement.doc FSU Funding Fiscal Impact Statement Backup Material
VENUES-_034495_Award-FSUSigned_3-27-14.pdf Venues - Funding Agreement signed Backup Material

"Enhance the quality of life in the City by delivering public services in a knowledgeable, responsive and financially responsible manner."